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Our leadership solution allows you to develop highly-skilled, resilient leaders who are prepared to guide your teams and your organization through the most challenging situations and rapid change!

The goal of sports is to compete, improve your skills and to win. However, the purpose of sports is much greater. Sports teaches valuable lessons that will benefit you off the field and down the road. We want every athlete that comes through our program to have the amazing chance to form a solid foundation of character. We seek to instill positive traits that are valued in baseball and in every other aspect of life; traits like commitment, teamwork, composure, selflessness, integrity, humility, courage and appreciation. We also want you to walk out of here as positive leaders! Coaches and employers alike are searching for leaders to pull their organizations forward every day. 

Unfortunately, these skills are not learned through osmosis.. These mental skills need to be developed on a daily basis, just like the physical skills are developed daily on the baseball diamond. So, we are providing you with an app-based program that develops character, leadership and sportsmanship. We will provide you with short bursts of interactive content on a daily basis to make you a better person, athlete and leader. Each short exercise will include a reflective question, and your response is sent directly to your coach, which will allow your team to have meaningful discussions.

College coaches have limited scholarship to offer each year. On paper many recruits look similar – height, weight, batting average, speed… Coaches need to make the most of their scholarships by providing them to athletes who bring the most value on and off the field. They want men of character who will build a positive culture. They want men who will lead their team to greater heights. Each year we provide Character and Leadership Certificates to prove to coaches that you are the type of person he wants on his team. The longer you participate in the program, the higher the level of certification and the deeper the character and leadership traits are engrained in your behavior.

1 Year – Bronze Certificate
2 years – Silver Certificate
3 Years – Gold Certificate
4 Years – Platinum Certificate

Like physical training, you will get out of this character and leadership training what you put into it; nothing worth having comes easy, right? Through this program you will have real-world examples to challenge your perceptions and explore what it means to be a man of character and how that character translates into leadership. 

Video: The True Purpose of Youth Sports

National Amateur Fall Baseball Federation: Elite U Territory

Phone : 716-400-0802
Email : [email protected]
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